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A. Rodríguez-Aguilera
A.J. Leon Salas,
"A framework for remote 3D interaction with handheld devices: Application to a 3D heritage gallery prototype", "SCIRES-IT: SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology"
, vol.6, 79-86, 2016
A. Rodríguez-Aguilera, A.J. Leon Salas
G. Arroyo Moreno,
"Parallel deformation of heterogeneous ChainMail models: Application to interactive deformation of large medical volumes", "Computers in Biology and Medicine"
, vol.79, 222-232, 2016
M. Torres Anaya, D.A. Pelta Mochcovsky, J.L. Verdegay Galdeano
J.C. Torres Cantero,
"Coverage path planning with unmanned aerial vehicles for 3D terrain reconstruction ", "Expert Systems With Applications"
, vol.55, 441-451, 2016
R. Vázquez-Rodríguez, C. Perez-Riaquet
J.C. Torres Cantero,
"Análisis exploratorio de datos mediante la integración de técnicas de visualización en sistemas de información geográfica", "Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad del Zulia"
, vol.38, -, 2015
A. Rodríguez Aguilera, A.J. Leon Salas, D. Martin Perandres
M.A. Otaduy-,
"A parallel resampling method for interactive deformation of volumetric models", "Computers & Graphics"
, vol.53, 147-155, 2015
J. Chamorro-Martínez, P.M. Martínez Jiménez, J.M. Soto-Hidalgo
A.J. Leon Salas,
"A fuzzy approach for modelling visual texture properties", "Information Sciences"
, vol.313, 1-21, 2015
A. Rodríguez-Aguilera, A.J. Leon Salas, G. Arroyo Moreno
J.M. Mantas Ruiz,
"SP-ChainMail: a GPU-based sparse parallel ChainMail algorithm for deforming medical volumes", "Journal of Supercomputing"
, vol.71, 3482-3499, 2015
J. Jiménez-Ibáñez, A.M. López-Estrella, J. Cruz-De La Torre, F.J. Esteban-Ruiz, J. Navas-Ureña, P. Villoslada-Diaz
J. Ruiz De Miras,
"A Web Platform for the Interactive Visualization and Analysis of the 3D Fractal Dimension of MRI Data", "Journal of Biomedical Informatics"
, vol.51C, 176-190, 2014
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024