Scientific production
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F.D.A. Conde Rodriguez, Á. García-Fernández
J.C. Torres Cantero,
"Modelling Material Microstructure Using the Perlin Noise Function", Computer Graphics Forum, vol.40
, 195-208, 2021
V. Costumero, L. Marín-Marín, M. Calabria, V. Belloch, J. Escudero , M. Baquero, M. Hernández, J. Ruiz De Miras, A. Costa, M.A. Parcet
C. Ávila,
"A cross-sectional and longitudinal study on the protective effect of bilingualism against dementia using brain atrophy and cognitive measures", Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, vol.12
, 1-10, 2020
J. Ruiz De Miras, G. Martínez-Lledó, W. Orwig
J. Sepulcre,
"A MATLAB tool for computing the spherical harmonic fractal dimension of the cerebral cortex", Computer Physics Communications, vol.254
, 107381-, 2020
L. López Escudero, J.C. Torres Cantero, G. Arroyo Moreno, P. Cano-Olivares
D. Martin Perandres,
"An efficient GPU approach for designing 3D cultural heritage information systems", Journal of Cultural Heritage, vol.41
, 142-151, 2020
F.D.A. Conde Rodriguez, Á. García-Fernández
J.C. Torres Cantero,
"Computer-Aided Design", vol.129
, -, 2020
J. Ruiz De Miras
"Fast differential box-counting algorithm on GPU", Journal of Supercomputing, vol.76
, 204-225, 2020
F.D.A. Conde Rodriguez, Á. García-Fernández
J.C. Torres Cantero,
"Modeling the Internal Architecture of Composites", Computer-Aided Design, vol.129
, -, 2020
J. Ruiz De Miras, J.R. Balsas Almagro
Á. García-Fernández,
"Metodología de clase inversa con aprendizaje entre pares en una asignatura de programación orientada a objetos de primer curso. Resultados preliminares.", "XXV Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI 2019)", None-None, 2019
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024